Chile has a dynamic business environment, anchored in strong institutions and solid macroeconomic fundamentals that include sustained growth, low inflation, balanced fiscal accounts, and a low level of public debt. Its open economy has meant a steady increase in foreign trade and in its international competitiveness. With numerous trade agreements, companies in Chile have privileged access to a market of almost 1.2 billion consumers. Foreign investment has played a key role in driving growth. Overseas companies have not only bought into privatised companies and invested in Chile’s Public Works Concessions Programme, but have also undertaken new projects in mining, manufacturing, service industries and non-traditional export sectors. More recently, they have been using Chile as a regional business centre from which to export goods, or provide services, to other countries.

Foreign investors are offered some of the world’s most competitive business costs. Privatisation and deregulation have created sophisticated public utility and telecommunications industries, while real estate investment has produced plentiful and competitively priced modern offices. Corporate taxes and labour costs are moderately low, while a tradition of transparency and a high level of personal safety help to control hidden costs. Many foreign investors, drawn by Chile’s stability and its attractive business environment, are increasingly using it as a base from which to do business with other countries in Latin America.

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